Virgin Media

If you are having trouble with your broadband supplied by virgin media then call 01246 401 402 - let them know you are the tenant in the property and that the broadband is not working properly.  They will guide you through a series of tests that they can do from their end to get the broadband working.  They will require you to have your computer ready to be able to perform the tests and get to the bottom of the problem.  If they are unable to do so over the phone then they will send a technician out to sort the issue.

Please book a technician for a time that you shall be at home and available, if you are unavailable then ensure that another housemate is able to be there and explain to that housemate what the problem is specifically so when the technician arrives they know what the problem is.  

When booking  technician please make sure you tell them that you are the tenant, give them YOUR phone number and a time you can make it.

There is no reason why they would require us to get involved with fixing the broadband - they can do everything they need to (like replace the router, etc) without our permission.

BT Broadband

If you are having problems with your broadband supplied by BT broadband then do the following:

1. Go to and see if you can find a solution to the problem on the website (you may need to go to the website using your mobile data)

2. If you are unable to find a solution to the issue then call BT on 0800 111 4567 or 0330 123 4567 (0330 numbers are charged at local rate, so if you have a mobile contract this normally just uses your minutes or is charged at the normal landline rate, calls to the 0800 number may vary depending on your network and tariff).

When you get through to them on the phone, explain that you are the tenant and that the broadband is not working as it should be working, you will need your computer available to be able to do all the tests that they suggest to determine what the problem is.  If they can not resolve the issue on the phone they may need to send a technician out - if this is the case please make sure you are avai;able or if you are unavailable then a housemate is available at the time that the technician is going to come to the property.

If you are unavailable and a house mate is ring to be available for the technician then please explain the problem to the house mate or ensure that they understand the issue fully.

You should be able to sort the issue out without involving the account holder as they are able dot change the router and do testing without the account holder present or a signature of the account holder.

Lastly when booking in a technician ensure you give them your phone number as the contact number, your name and a time you are available.  They do have our number as a default on the system but as the issue is the broadband in your house we will not be able to come out for the appointment.